How to Live Forever?

There are some astonishing plans afoot in the world of medicine. Internet millionaires have targeted death as their next great challenge. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his physician wife Priscilla Chan recently announced a planned donation of $3 billion to “cure all disease” by the end of the 21st Century. Apple is creating medical clinics to benefit their employees — and to be a testing bed for new medical-related technologies. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos funded Unity Biotechnology with the goal to “potentially halt, slow, or reverse age-associated diseases, while restoring human health.”
Looking a bit further afield, Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle Corporation, created the Ellison Medical Foundation which gives out more than $40 million a year for research that combats age-related diseases and disabilities. PayPal cofounder and Facebook board member Peter Thiel has invested heavily in enterprises dedicated to physical immortality, such as the SENS Foundation.
Nanobots and immortality
And finally, Google cofounder Sergey Brin wants to solve “humanity’s grand challenges”, including aging and death, and funnels money into research that, among other things, aims to merge humans with computers to create immortal superbeings. His director of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, says that in the near future, humans will be inventing technology, such as body-repairing nanobots, that will be able to add more than a year of life to your life every year you are alive.
Help your health span
How are they all doing so far? If you hang out with any of these billionaires, please let us know. ? In the meantime, we’d like to help you right now, to extend your health span, if not your lifespan. What is a health span? Your health span is the length of time you are healthy—not just alive. Ideally, one’s health span and lifespan would be nearly the same.
Some practical advice
So if you aren’t spending time with internet millionaires’ personal physicians, what can you do today to maintain your health? Anti-aging research is currently underway with existing drugs that lower your insulin levels. But this is something you can do via diet, without joining a clinical trial. Eating a whole and natural diet rich in fiber and low in added sugar is a good place to start.
In addition to blood sugar control, improving nutritional quality is, pardon the pun, low-hanging fruit for many. An expert panel assembled by US News & World Report recently concluded that a whole-foods diet rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber is ideal not only for weight control, but also for diabetes, heart disease, and overall health. (It’s also anti-inflammatory.) This optimal diet would include fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein and low-fat dairy, while limiting foods high in saturated fat, such as fatty meats, full-fat dairy foods and tropical oils, as well as sugar-sweetened beverages and sweets in general.
Mind your minerals
One of the greatest, and least-discussed, current problems with our food supply is a lack of sufficient beneficial minerals. Intensive farming practices deplete the soil — which is where minerals come from — and our foods contain fewer minerals each generation. This makes it particularly important to emphasize vegetables, fruits and berries in your optimal diet.
For example, healthy and balanced levels of calcium, magnesium and potassium are essential for healthy blood pressure — as well as reducing your risk of osteoporosis. And they are better obtained from whole foods than from a pill.
More on this trend:
Healthy and convenient
This is, coincidentally, exactly what iDiet prescribes, with the added benefits of hunger and craving control, ease of planning and preparation, and overall convenience. Our multiple-choice EasyPlan menus eliminate the need to learn nutrition. They specify all the foods you need, in the right amounts and combinations — not only for hunger control and weight reduction, but also nutrition and overall health. We know that if it’s not easy, if it doesn’t taste good and keep you feeling full and satisfied, then it won’t be something worth sticking with. And our goal is solving America’s weight problem, so we only provide strategies that can be happily sustained for the long-term — no short-term quick fixes here.
Of course you’ll never know if you’ve lived forever, because there will always be more future ahead of your present. But you will know if you’re feeling better today than last week.
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Wishing you health and long life,
Love, the iDiet team.
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