

Delicious Diet Food Recipes

If there’s one thing that iDieters have in common, it’s a love of iDiet food.

The recipes you’ll find in the iDiet program are scientifically formulated to work with your food instincts and to keep you full and free of hunger. They also work in combination with our classes to retrain your brain™ to prefer healthier foods over time. They include foods that are very familiar – hamburgers and chocolate pudding, as well as somewhat exotic – Tanzanian Chicken Kabobs, for example.

Dr. Roberts began her career in food and nutrition as a chef, so she knows what tastes good. She creates iDiet recipes that are always flavorful and satisfying, as well as good for your waistline.

Cooking is optional
If you don’t like to cook, there are still plenty of delicious meals and snacks you can put together by using our “Simply Good” suggestions for easy throw-together meals.
Please explore the free recipes we provide on this site, and take advantage of our free cookbook offer to try out some iDiet meals.

Our recipes will help you stay on the iDiet because:

  • They include our exclusive iDiet hunger-suppressing formulas
  • They include a variety of types of fiber
  • They include various textures, spices, herbs and strong flavors
  • They include many familiar tastes
  • They include healthy proteins as well as foods with a low glycemic index to slow digestion
  • There are options for vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free dietary concerns


“Because I’m a chef, I make sure that they tasted really good too. I’m a foodie. I cannot bear bad food.

I’m a working mother as well as a scientist. So I know from my own life that none of us have a huge amount of time. None of our iDiet recipes require 4 hours and 3 different stages. They’re simple things, taste really good, and many of them you can freeze so that you’ve got some spare dinners for another night.

We have different kinds of foods. We have comfort foods, we have chicken parm, we have lasagna, we have mac n cheese. On the other hand we also have really exotic foods too. We have some African dishes and some Chinese dishes that you can cook at home.

Our program participants come back and say ‘The food is amazing’. Many of the people who have never cooked before start using the recipes, because in the groups they hear somebody saying ‘Oh my God, the peanut sauce is the best thing I’ve ever eaten.’ And they try it, and so they start to cook.”

– Dr Susan Roberts

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