
The iDiet Instinct Quiz

A science-based index of food susceptibility

How much are you affected by our abundant food environment?

Instinct Index
iDiet Instinct index

Welcome! This Index has between 30 and 42 questions, over 4 screens (questions are customized to your answers). You will find it educational simply to answer the questions! We'll provide your Index result instantly upon submission. Let's go! 

Dr Note: About 70% of unnecessary eating is attributed to boredom or other forms of emotional eating. iDiet gives you safer foods to snack on, and helps to decouple the reward circuitry related to high-calorie snacking. 

Dr Note: You are not alone. The APA reports 38% of the US population stress-eats. Stress increases hunger and cravings. iDiet Intensive contains a powerful stress-reduction module. 

Dr Note: Hunger between meals may be the result of fast-digesting processed foods, or insufficient protein or fiber. iDiet teaches how to formulate meals to slow the return of hunger. 

Dr Note: Hunger directly after a meal may indicate you're eating too quickly. Try to slow down and make your meal last at least 20 minutes to allow your body to recognize the food and begin digesting. 

Dr Note: Sitting with hunger can feel virtuous, but may backfire later on due to willpower depletion. Instead, try adding in more high-volume, low-calorie foods to your meal, like vegetables. 

Dr Note: Eating close to bedtime is associated with higher rates of acid reflux, digestive complaints, weight gain, and blood sugar problems. It can also interfere with sleep quality. 

Dr Note: Good for you! It's best to leave a 3-hour window between your last food and bedtime. This helps digestion, sleep quality, overall health, and weight management.  

Dr Note: Eating without mindful attention reduces satisfaction with the meal, and can result in consuming 30% or more calories. 

Dr Note: Good for you! Eating with mindful attention is associated with better satiety and weight management. 

You're doing great! Click the continue button —> 

Dr Note: Good for you! Having a structure and plan for future meals is a powerful strategy we teach in iDiet. 

Dr Note:  This can result in eating more than intended, because hunger easily overrides good judgment. 

Dr Note: Good for you! Having healthy options to reach for is better for weight control, and helps keep your brain on the right track. 

You're doing great! Click the continue button —> 

Dr  Note: Good for you! Avoiding takeout helps you control for highly caloric prepared foods. 

Dr  Note: Be careful what you're ordering, as typical restaurant meals often contain a full day's calories. 

Dr Note: Good for you! According to 2023 research in The Journal of Nutrition, people over age 50 who consumed the biggest variety of produce were 21 percent less likely to die from heart disease over a 15-year span. Eating more vegetables is associated with longer lifespan, fewer health conditions, and less cognitive decline. 

Dr Note: See what you can do to improve. Eating more vegetables is associated with longer lifespan, fewer poor health conditions, and less cognitive decline. 

You're doing great! Click the continue button —> 

Dr Note: Good for you! Awareness helps. 

You're not alone. About 1/3 of the population feels negatively about their size, and 40% have experienced outright weight discrimination in some form. 

Fantastic! You're done. Time to get your results —> 


score graph

You can find your Index score above and plot it on the graph. This score is aligned on a logarithmic 0-100 scale. It is not meant to be comparable to 90+ being an A grade, like in school. This is an index based on real life, which is challenging, and full of temptations and difficult situations. The higher the score, the exponentially more difficult you likely find it to manage your weight in a good range. 

We'll provide more context on the next screen. 

Would you like your results and interpretation sent to you? (optional) Fill out the fields below. 

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