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It’s three weeks now since I began the iDiet, and this is where the going gets tough and the tough get going.
In the past I’ve written about my difficulties maintaining my weight. It’s harder for me to lose weight than it is for some people because I have a problem with my metabolism. I’ve been seen by endocrinologists, nutritionists and other health professionals, but no one has been able to come up with a conclusive diagnosis.
My thyroid function tests normal, my blood sugar and all other tests have come back fine. I’m not on any medication. I just gain 1 pound a month regardless of what I eat and how much I exercise.
Typically, when I change my diet, I lose weight the first two weeks and then nothing happens after that. This week on the diet I had a net gain of 1 pound. I lost and gained 2 pounds twice.
Diane, my group leader, has been wonderfully supportive, responding quickly to my emails and contacting Sue Roberts (who wrote the book on the iDiet) about my struggles. She has offered to test my metabolic rate in her lab, and I’ll take her up on her offer and write about the results when I have them. I’ve always wanted to be tested but insurance wouldn’t cover it because I don’t have a disease. With my nutrition and exercise, I’m very healthy. Thank God for that.

I just gain 1 pound a month regardless of what I eat and how much I exercise.

I promised to write honestly about my experience with iDiet. I want to be clear – this is what I’m experiencing in the moment. It doesn’t mean I won’t lose any more weight. This is also my experience, not someone else’s. I’m staying on the diet. I’m not giving up.
This isn’t about trying to fit into a bathing suit; this is about my health. I want to remain healthy. I feel strongly that I need to lose some weight in order to increase my odds of remaining healthy. So, I’ll continue in my weight loss journey.
I have lost weight before, several times. For me, it’s a matter of figuring out how to get past my metabolic issues. I know I can. I’ve done it in the past.
At times like this my stubbornness works for me (not so much at other times!). I’m not going off the deep end and going, “the hell with it. I can’t lose weight so I’ll eat everything in sight.” Chances are I’ll get up tomorrow and the scale will be down again. I tend to lose, gain, lose, gain, in a cycle that keeps repeating. Frustrating, but not life threatening!
I’m not the only one in the group struggling. Most have lost a respectable amount of weight and are very happy with their progress. Another gal is losing slowly (but still losing) and is frustrated by her perceived lack of progress. Again, we all lose weight at our own pace. It’s not a competition. (I keep telling myself that because I can be very competitive, more with myself than with others.)

I want to encourage those of you who are also struggling with your weight to stick with your plan.

I’m enjoying the food, the lack of hunger. It’s so much easier to follow a plan that doesn’t require that you starve yourself! I’ve been to a friend’s house for dinner. I’m having company for dinner soon. I can cook meals that are healthy, nutritious and yummy! If I don’t feel like cooking, I don’t have to. There’s a plan for people who don’t like to cook as well. If I have time, I enjoy cooking. Sometimes I don’t have the time.
Planning and shopping for food is easy. Between the lists of foods and the recipes, I won’t get bored with what I’m eating. For those who want to eat the same thing all the time, you can do that too!
For those of you who enjoy a drink, you can on this diet. I don’t drink (nothing against alcohol, I just don’t like it). I’ve always said I’d rather eat my calories, than drink them. Whatever works for you.
With the storm, one gal made sure to pick up vodka and soda. I picked up three kinds of fiber cereal with blueberries! I have a bowl every morning and I love it! I’ve never felt as full with this diet. Not typically what you think of when you’re dieting – feeling full.
Stay tuned for next week’s column to find out if my weight goes down this week. Thank you for following me in my weight loss journey.
Addendum on Monday morning:
Just as I thought, I woke up this morning, weighed myself and I’ve lost a pound! My weight loss continues, slow, and with some frustrating zigzags up and down. I want to encourage those of you who are also struggling with your weight to stick with your plan. Adjust it where necessary, but don’t give up. It is possible to lose weight, even if you are challenged by a slow metabolism. It’s tough to be patient. I find I have to follow the advice I give my clients (even when I want to slam my scale against the wall and break it!). Until next time!

About our guest blogger Debra Goldman:

Debra has been an athlete, trainer and Pilates instructor for over 30 years, and she has referred clients to the iDiet program for several years. She noticed that every one of them lost weight, maintained their weight loss, and raved about how easy and enjoyable the community groups were. Like most people, Debra has faced and overcome a variety of physical injuries and health issues — some that make weight maintenance more difficult. So she decided to join an iDiet group, and journal the process. Join us on Debra’s weight loss journey.
Debra Goldman can be contacted at:
Pilates Works, Inc
253 Cochituate Rd
Wayland, MA 01778
(508) 655-1178

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