
Illegitimi non carborundum

This post was originally written in June 2016 after a mass shooting event. We have left it online in case it’s helpful to anyone facing a tragedy or stress in the future. 

During this week of national sorrow, we acknowledge the challenge that stress can cause in a weight loss plan. Food is often a short-term —  but ultimately unhelpful — solution in times of stress or sorrow. When the world feels out of control, we can reach for the illusion of comfort and control by pampering ourselves with food. It’s a way to self-nurture, to connect with oneself. It’s a way to remember a happier time, if there are associations with certain foods and family or loved ones.

But remember that even though the world may feel out of our control, we can still control what goes in our mouths. We can make better choices. We can play the long game and do what’s best for our long-term success, not just to feel better for the next 10 minutes. In times of stress, try to reach out to others. Call someone, hug someone, get on facebook and commiserate, sign a petition, donate to or volunteer for a charity, organize or clean something, cross some to-dos off your list. Do things that can raise your feelings of connectedness and control, calorie-free.

“Illegitimi non carborundum” is a fake-latin phrase generally understood to mean “don’t let the bastards grind you down”, appearing in a number of novels, films and pop culture. According to Wikipedia, it actually translates as “the unlawful are not silicon carbide”.  But we get the point, right?
Be good to yourselves.

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