
Intensive Reboot 12 week Single Payment

Join us for weekly coaching and conversation. Maintain your motivation and momentum. Keep your ties to your iDiet friends. This upgraded program is a monthly subscription that renews automatically. You will receive: • Weekly live video check-ins and group conversation with a Senior Certified Group Leader. • Your online weight tracker, including all your weight data beginning with your very first entry. • An active message board, monitored by a Certified Group Leader. • Continued website access, including our expanded recipe database. • Access to a community of like-minded iDieters to share support and ideas.

Intensive Reboot 12 Weeks

PQ app and coaching: Positive Intelligence + iDiet principles

Tuesdays at 7:3pm eastern

Single Payment $399:

Rescheduled: Begins on Jan 24, for 12 consecutive Tuesdays.

Please read all the way through. Your payment form is at the bottom of this page. We’ll see you soon!


Class is now in session and registration is closed. Please write to info@theidiet.com for a waitlist or with any questions.


Instinct Health Science DBA iDiet

Important: Terms
Please note the Terms below. By registering, you are agreeing to our Terms. See Termination Rights.

You can email info@theidiet.com to cancel at any time.

This is a monthly recurring subscription. Meetings will be recorded for member’s use.


Individuals with eating disorders should obtain their doctor’s approval before applying to this program. Individuals with celiac disease or gluten intolerance can participate in a modified version of the iDiet program that avoids gluten-containing foods. Individuals with digestive problems should obtain the recommendation and consent of their physician before registering. Please ask us if you have concerns before completing your registration.

You Are Agreeing to These Terms:

There will be no refunds, because we want you to be all in, 100% committed. Consider this carefully, and make a strong commitment. We do want you fully committed to this.

Some meetings may be recorded for member’s use in extraordinary circumstances, though we may not record any, as this can encourage poor participation.

No refunds for unused sessions. Your commitment is final, regardless of your level of participation.

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