
New iDiet Intensive Group

Live Online Enhanced Class
With Positive Psychology and bonuses
10 life-changing weeks for $879

Join the Class. Before it sells out. 

Class begins again in January 2025

Attendance at both Monday and Wednesday group classes for 10 consecutive weeks is part of this Intensive, and is required for participation. (20 meetings total).

Register below

Enhancements for 2025 include: Flexible, recorded lessons that allow for more live meeting time for questions, discussion, and sharing. Optional breakout rooms for small-group discussion. Optional chat groups for members. More coaching, more connection. 

And a brand new member website with new resources, more flexibility, and more support. 

Be in the first cohort to enjoy our all-new student experience. 

Change your mind to change your weight.

Your brain is remarkable. Find out what it can really do.

You can do anything you set your mind to — if your mind cooperates. Success is more likely if you’re not feeling stress, anxiety, overwhelm, frustration, doubt, loss, fear or shame — all the negative emotions we assume are unavoidable in modern life. But what if negative emotions could be lessened? What if they were optional?

Positive Psychology + iDiet = Even Better Results

iDiet Engage IntensiveYou may already know how effective iDiet is. It’s the only weight loss program clinically proven to restructure your brain’s response to food, to change food preferences, reduce cravings for junky food and increase desire for healthy foods. If you’re new to iDiet, learn more about it here. iDiet is based in neurobiology, evolutionary biology as well as nutrition and habit science, and iDiet strategies form a new operating system for your food brain.

The new discipline of Positive Psychology is based on investigations leveraging recent research in neuroscience, positive psychology, neuroplasticity, cognitive psychology, and mindfulness. At iDiet, we’ve found that combining Positive Psychology techniques with Dr. Roberts’ groundbreaking work in the 5 Food Instincts, iDiet’s proprietary nutrient ratios, and strategies for permanently retraining food preferences and habits can significantly improve weight loss results, as well as have positive overflow effects in other areas of life, such as less stress, better sleep, and improved relationships. Positive Psychology amplifies iDiet in wonderful ways.

80% of people fail the PQ test.
We can help.

What is PQ? Just as IQ is your intelligence quotient and helps you accomplish mental tasks, PQ is the ratio of your positive to negative emotions, and it helps you succeed at life’s big challenges. People with a higher ratio of positive thoughts to negative thoughts tend to be less stressed, more resilient, more creative, and more successful at their goals and relationships. But 80% of people fall below the 3:1 threshold that defines success. What if you could train your brain to have different thoughts? What possibilities could that open up for you? 

positive vs negative emotions

Bad feelings lead to bad eating. It’s easier to stay on your plan when you aren’t fighting yourself or stuck in negative emotions.


How mean is your inner bully?

We all have one. The voice we’d never use with a friend or loved one. The voice that says you’re not good enough, not worthy, and full of faults. Actually, according to this new framework, we have up to 10 distinct negative voices — and 5 positive powers to counterbalance them. The balance between negative and positive voices largely determines our overall happiness and success at any endeavor. And positive thoughts can be learned.

The 5 PQ strengths

The 5 Positive Psychology Powers

Your negative voices generate feelings that lead to failure. Positive feelings make change easier.


You can raise your Positivity with practice. This shows the way. 

Positive Psychology research reveals:


  • Just as your willpower and your food instincts live in different regions of the brain, and your food preferences can be retrained, your ability to shift to positive thoughts can be trained and elevated.
  • You can dramatically shift the conversation in your head with simple mental exercises.
  • You can learn to intercept negative thoughts and behaviors. Simple mini-meditation exercises make it easy.
  • Intercepting unhelpful thoughts helps you intercept bad food decisions too.
  • You can learn to grow your positive powers. We provide simple app-guided exercises that require only minutes a day.
  • It only takes 10-second mini-meditations to catch yourself in moments of weakness, redirect your thinking, and keep yourself on the right path. This new program offers a variety of mini-meditations for every circumstance.
  • You can be more mindful without learning meditation. This is great news for busy people.
iDiet fMRI brain scans

iDiet fMRI brain scans

  • Just as iDiet’s fMRI scans show increased activation for healthy food preferences, postitivity practice shows growth in gray matter in the brain in areas related to willpower and positive behavioral strengths.
  • Stronger Positivity Powers translate to better behavior, and better results. You can achieve positive behavioral gains without lengthy therapy*.

    * iDiet is not therapy, and this program is not a substitute for psychotherapy where psychotherapy is indicated.

A perfect combination

There are 5 Food Instincts in Dr. Roberts’ research that are based in evolutionary biology, and form a foundational operating system for your food brain. Likewise, there are 5 key Positive Powers that, when practiced, help you choose more empowering, helpful and happier thoughts, be more resilient, and apply everything iDiet teaches with more ease and joy. This new combined curriculum is more than the sum of its parts.


The 3 Pillars of iDiet Intensive:

1. iDiet Science. Everything we teach in the Engage 10-week program about weight control and nutrition that produces the greatest sustainable weight loss ever shown in clinical studies. Evidence-based science, 30 years of research, and tens of thousands of pounds lost.

2. An all-new 10-week overlay program, concurrent with the iDiet, using Positive Psychology to teach how to increase your happiness IQ. Because success doesn’t come from grinding away joylessly at painful tasks, or from punishing yourself for past behavior. It comes from living a life in which your choices, desires, and habits are aligned with your goals.

3. Individualized Coaching, app-based training, and daily micro-meditations to help you become the person who achieves goals with minimal struggle, with a new more successful identity. The combined program helps lock in change.


Beyond goals

Success is not just about goals and tasks and numbers. It’s about who you will become on your way to achieving your goal. Adding Positive Intelligence techniques to iDiet’s best-in-class, evidence-based strategies makes the journey easier. In order to accomplish any big life changes, you need to leave behind some habits that no longer serve you, to move boldly and confidently into your own future. Let us help you move into your healthier future. Commit to showing up for all 20 meetings in these new, intense 10 weeks, and prepare to be amazed at what you can accomplish.


Our Intensive participants say:

10x better:  “This was 10 times better than iDiet Engage alone.”

Recover faster:  “The new positive psychology parts helped me recover from falls faster.”

Changes everything:  “This changes everything. iDiet science is the best, but this new program adds help with emotions that I didn’t realize I needed — things science can’t address but you helped me to see.”

No longer miserable:  “I had used my [inner judge] as motivation to lose weight. If I didn’t meet a goal before, I beat the crap out of myself and basically shamed myself into getting back on track, and it made me miserable — both miserable with myself and miserable to be around. Well, I love the change in my thinking now!”

Happiness Meter up:  I can feel my happiness meter rising constantly! Even if I screw up, I can get back into Sage mode and rectify it fast! It’s good stuff!!”

Weight reversal:  “I also am realizing that the damage I did to my weight over 2020 (pandemic eating) has been reversed in the last 2 months!! That is HUGE!!” 

Simple success:  “This is the e-mc2 of success. It’s the universal solution.” 

No more shame:  “It normalizes and takes away my shame. I had no idea how much shame ran my moods and my decisions. Completely transformative!!” 


What is iDiet Intensive?

iDiet EngageiDiet Intensive is our new online class, running for 10 weeks, with triple the benefits. In this live online class, you’ll receive all the essential iDiet Engage core weight loss knowledge, with 10 weeks of friendly iDiet group support and education to help solidify your new healthy food cravings and better habits, plus all our iDiet online tools and resources. This class also includes a complete Positive Psychology curriculum, with 10 extra weekly Positive Psychology coaching sessions (iDiet Intensive meets TWICE weekly).

Your Intensive Bonuses

The bonuses in this program include 7 hours of new educational videos, a new eBook and audiobook, daily mindfulness exercises, a new brain training app (iOS and Android) with “mind gym” exercises, and 10 extra group coaching meetings (this means two meetings a week, your attendance is required at both). Plus an additional bonus month of daily app exercises after the initial training ends. The group will meet on Mondays for Positive Psychology training, and on Wednesdays for iDiet Sessions. Complete participation information is provided at your first Monday group meeting.


Class began February 12, 2024
Registration deadline:

waitlist 2024 (#30)


Join us for January! Please provide your contact information, and we'll contact you first for the new classes.

Instinct Health Science LLC, DBA iDiet


This program is recommended for individuals with a BMI of 25 or above. Individuals with eating disorders should obtain their doctor’s approval before applying to this program. Individuals with celiac disease or gluten intolerance can participate in a modified version of the iDiet program that avoids gluten-containing foods. Individuals with digestive problems should obtain the recommendation and consent of their physician before registering. Please ask us if you have concerns before completing your registration. iDiet is not a substitute for therapy where psychotherapy or counseling is indicated.

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